Was ist ze’ev elkin?

Zeev Elkin is a prominent Israeli politician who has served in various ministerial positions in the Israeli government. He was born on December 10, 1971, in Kharkiv, Ukraine, and immigrated to Israel in 1990.

Elkin is a member of the Likud party and has been a member of the Knesset, the Israeli parliament, since 2006. He has held several significant positions, including Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Minister of Defense, and Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.

Elkin is known for his conservative views and has been a staunch advocate for Israeli settlements in the West Bank. He is a vocal critic of the two-state solution and has opposed negotiations with the Palestinians based on the pre-1967 borders.

In addition to his political career, Elkin holds a Ph.D. in engineering from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. He is fluent in multiple languages, including Hebrew, Russian, and English.

Overall, Elkin is a prominent figure in Israeli politics known for his conservative stance on key issues and his extensive experience in various ministerial positions.
